The semester is almost over and I've learned a lot. I've recognized that if too many critique sessions are missed, then their final project will suffer (ie Project 3). I've also noticed a downward momentum of attendance, specifically on Wednesdays. I'm not sure how to resolve the low attendance, as the semester comes to a close.
I've also realized that motion graphics, and teaching after effects is difficult. Sadly, I didn't have time to offer a formal tutorials. There's a clear learning curve, simply having them watch tutorials isn't enough. I've since offered them the alternative of creating a gif using Photoshop timeline instead. And I've also found it necessary to offer a 1 week extension for Project 4.
- The quality of work will suffer if too many in-class critiques are missed
- Find a solution to remedy low attendance
- Offer alternate to Project 4 (stop motion, build animation, gif)
- Perform several in-class demos of the software in advance of Project 4
- Spend time explaining the breakdown of components within infographics (see above image example)